The United Counties of Prescott and Russell
(UCPR) is proud to announce the distribution of a first wave of
funding, in the amount of $1,071,137, to assist the most vulnerable
residents in our community.
Among the organizations receiving funding are La Maison Interlude,
Prescott-Russell Community Services, several food banks,
Prescott-Russell Victim Services, the Canadian Mental Health
Association, residential shelters, Valoris, non-profit housing
corporations, and charitable organizations that provide food security
The UCPR Social Services have also set aside temporary accommodation
spaces to allow people affected by COVID-19 to isolate themselves and
prevent the spread.
“In partnership with United Way East Ontario, the UCPR Social
Services Department consulted with various agencies to target those
supporting the most vulnerable people in our communities,” explained
Sylvie Millette, Director of Social Services with the UCPR. “This Social
Needs Table, composed of several community organizations, met virtually
to disseminate this information.”
The distribution of funds, by category, is as follows:
- Emergency Shelter Solutions: $214,917 for the use of
motel rooms to provide shelter for those in crisis and who need to
self-isolate to prevent the spread of COVID-19;
- Housing with Related Supports: $360,000 for community housing (non-profits), Residential Services Homes and transitional housing with supports;
- Services and Supports: $459,000 for protective equipment,
food and supplies by food banks and other similar agencies,
transportation costs, community outreach to support seniors in
self-isolation, etc.;
- Homeless Prevention: a reserve is in place for rent bank and emergency energy funds.
“The COVID-19 crisis has required a new approach to delivering our
services, particularly for our most vulnerable residents, and this
allocation from the Province has been vital to support the critical work
of our Social Services staff and our community partners in responding
to the needs of at-risk community members during COVID-19,” stated UCPR
Warden Pierre Leroux.
“The health and well-being of the entire Prescott and Russell
community remains our top priority. We appreciate the Province’s
partnership in ensuring supports are place to protect our vulnerable
residents during this unprecedented period,” added Warden Leroux.
In late March, the provincial government announced a $200-million
Social Services Relief Fund in response to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.
The purpose of this fund is to assist Service Managers and their
partners to respond to increased demands for services and supports. The
investment allows communities to expand a wide range of services and
supports for vulnerable populations, based on local need, so they can
better respond to this emergency.