2023-2028 Strategic Planning

The Prescott-Russell Community Development Corporation (PRCDC) in partnership with the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) is looking for a consultant or consulting firm to undertake the development of its next 2023-2028 regional economic development strategy.

Prescott and Russell's regional economic development strategy is essential to the economic growth of SMEs, communities, and the economic and social prosperity of the region. The PRCDC, in partnership with the UCPR, wishes to initiate the 2023-2028 regional economic development strategy in the coming months in order to facilitate and maximize the implementation of the orientations and objectives of the two organizations for the next five years.

“Without a doubt, this regional economic development strategy will allow us to better adapt to the challenges of today and tomorrow in order to continue to propel Prescott and Russell as fertile ground for innovative businesses, entrepreneurs and sustainable communities. » John Candie, Executive Director, Prescott-Russell Community Development Corporation.

For more information, please refer to the 2023-2028 Prescott and Russell Economic Development Strategy Request for Proposal. The deadline to submit a proposal is September 25, 2023.

Posted on 08/18/2023
Agri-food sector workers at work