The EOWC Shares Housing Plan

On October 17, 2023, the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC) held a successful meeting on Parliament Hill in the City of Ottawa, sponsored by Member of Parliament, Francis Drouin.

The EOWC welcomed the Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, the Honourable Filomena Tassi, Regional Members of Parliament, Parliamentary Secretariats, Senators, and staff to present the 7 in 7+ Regional Housing Plan and discuss priorities.
The EOWC looks forward to renewing municipal relationships with all orders of government, advancing and enhancing infrastructure, and building housing for residents across eastern Ontario. The EOWC is ready to work with the Federal Government around tackling housing supply. This meeting was a positive step forward to present information, build relationships and ensure progress on EOWC’s 7 in 7+ Regional Housing Plan.

The EOWC’s 7 in 7+ Regional Housing Plan proposes to build at least 28,000 housing units over seven years. Of these units, 7,000 would be affordable community rental to address housing wait lists. Using a mixed-model approach, the plan has the added benefit to bring on 21,000 additional market rate units. Currently, the EOWC is working to gain feedback from the market and has strong support from the Eastern Ontario Mayors’ Caucus, as well as the Ontario Home Builders’ Association - eastern regional group.

"Coming together as government is what we need to do to solve the housing challenge. Our meeting on Parliament Hill showcased our visionary 7 in 7+ Regional Housing Plan and reaffirms the EOWC’s commitment to support the goal of building housing faster for all residents. We look forward to continued discussions with our federal partners," stated Peter Emon, EOWC Chair.

“The EOWC appreciates the Federal Government’s initial feedback and encouragement around our 7 in 7+ Regional Housing Plan. The EOWC has a track record of success and working together with our Federal Government partners will drive this plan forward to serve our communities across the region,” stated Bonnie Clark, EOWC Vice-Chair.

About the EOWC

The Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC) Inc. is an incorporated non-profit organization comprised of the Heads of Council of 13 municipalities (11 upper-tier counties and two single-tier municipalities). The EOWC covers an area of approximately 50,000 square kilometres from Northumberland County to the Québec border. The EOWC supports and advocates on behalf of its 90 local municipalities and 800,000 residents across the region. The EOWC has gained support and momentum by speaking with a united voice to champion regional municipal priorities and work with the government, business leaders, the media, and the public.

Posted on 10/18/2023
Back row left to right: Mayor Steve Ferguson, MP Jamie Schmale, MP Michelle Ferreri, Warden Ron Vanderwal, MP Chad Collins, Mayor Doug Elmslie, Warden Normand Riopel, Warden Tony Fraser, Warden Peter Mclaren, MP Eric Duncan, MP Michael Barrett, Warden Bob Mullin, Warden Nancy Peckford, MP Ryan Williams Front row left to right: MP Francis Drouin, Vice-Chair Bonnie Clark, Chair Peter Emon, Minister Filomena Tassi, Senator Rob Black, MP Shelby Kramp-Neuman, Senator Bernadette Clement