Access to Information Request

Anyone can make an Access to Information Request. Refer to the applicable Act to find out what information you can request and what the exclusions and exceptions are.

Access to information ONLINE PAYMENTS

Visit the online payments page to make a payment for any of the Access to Information Request options listed in the drop-down menus below.

Municipal Freedom of Information Request

The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act requires municipalities to allow access to records in their custody or under their control, unless an exemption applies.

Make an Access Request

To make a municipal Access to Information Request, please fill out the Request Form.

By mail

United Counties of Prescott and Russell
Clerk's Office
59 Court Street, P. O. Box 304
L'Orignal (Ontario) K0B 1K0

By email

[email protected]

Application Fee

An application fee of $5.00 must accompany all Access to Information Requests. All fees are payable by online payment, by cheque to the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, or by cash.

Other Applicable Fees

Here is a non-exhaustive list of fees that may also apply to an Access to Information Request:

  • Search time:
    • $7.50 per 15 minutes for each staff member's time
    • This fee does not apply to personal information requests
  • Preparation time:
    • $7.50 per 15 minutes for each staff member's time
    • This fee does not apply to personal information requests
  • Photocopies:
    • $0.20 per page

Fees Estimate

An estimate will be given to the requester if the estimated fees exceed $25.00. If the fees exceed $100.00, a 50% deposit may be asked from the requester.

Appeal Rights

The requester has the right to appeal the decision rendered by the Clerk within 30 days from the notice of decision to the Information and Privacy Commissioner.

Appeal fees are $25.00 for a request for general records, $10.00 for a request for personal information, and $10.00 for a request for correction of personal information.

For more information or questions

Please contact Mélissa Cadieux, Clerk - Director of Administrative Services, at 613-673-4661 or [email protected].

Time Limit to Respond to an Access to Information Request

The Clerk must respond to an Access to Information Request within 30 days unless an extension is required.

Related Sites

Requesting Patient Records (Emergency Services)

Access to patient records related to Emergency Services can be requested under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004.

Make an Access Request

Before you begin your request process

If you wish to request access to patient records, please submit a request to the Paramedic Service of the Emergency Services Department by one of the four methods listed below.

If you are the Patient

If you are the patient and you require access to your patient record pertaining to an emergency call, you must fill out a Request to Access Personal Health Information Patient Form.

Application Fee

There will be a processing fee of $25.00, payable by online payment, by cheque to the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, or by cash. In addition to the $25.00, extra fees may be applicable to some requests based on reasonable cost recovery for purposes of granting access. If this is the case, you will first be provided with an estimate of the fee.

Two pieces of valid identification, one of which with photo identification, are required prior to the release of personal health information.

If you are a Family Member, Friend, or Legal Representative

If you are not the patient and you require access to a patient record pertaining to an emergency call, the patient himself or herself or the patient's legal guardian must fill out an Authorization to Disclose Personal Health Information Form giving the Emergency Services Department authorization to release the documentation to you.

Application Fee

There will be a processing fee of $25.00, payable by online payment, by cheque to the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, or by cash. In addition to the $25.00, extra fees may be applicable to some requests based on reasonable cost recovery for purposes of granting access. If this is the case, you will first be provided with an estimate of the fee.

Proper consent and two pieces of valid identification, one of which with photo identification, are required prior to the release of personal health information.

If you are a Law Enforcement Agent

Law Enforcement Agents, who require access to patient records pertaining to an active investigation, please use the Request for Disclosure of Personal Information to a Law Enforcement Agency or a Coroner Form.

If you are a Coroner

Hospital Representatives, who require access to patient records, please use the Request for Disclosure of Personal Information to a Law Enforcement Agency or a Coroner Form.

Make a Request

All requests for patient records or all court-related information must be submitted by one of the following two options:

By mail

Christian Boudreau, Deputy Chief of Operations
United Counties of Prescott and Russell
Emergency Services Department
584 County Road 9, P. O. Box 150
Plantagenet (Ontario) K0B 1L0

 By email

For more information or questions

Please contact Christian Boudreau, Deputy Chief of Operations, at 613-673-5139 extension 227 or [email protected].

Court-Related Information

Paramedics are sometimes called to provide witness testimony to the events, which occurred while performing their duties. The Emergency Services Department is responsible for the administration of all legal documents and appearances. All subpoenas and court-related documentation must be forwarded to the Emergency Services Department.

Time Limit to Respond to an Access Request

The Emergency Services Department will respond to your request within 30 days unless an extension of time is required.

Requesting Resident Records (Residence)

Access to patient records related to Prescott and Russell Residence can be requested under the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004.

Make an Access Request

Before you begin your request process

If you wish to request access to resident records, please submit a request to the Prescott and Russell Residence by one of the four methods listed below:

If you are the Resident

If you are the resident and you require access to your resident record, you must fill out a Access Personal Health Information for a Resident Form.

Application Fee

Fees may be applicable to some requests based on reasonable cost recovery for purposes of granting access. If this is the case, you will first be provided with an estimate of the fee.

Two pieces of valid identification, one of which with photo identification, are required prior to the release of personal health information.

If you are a Family Member, Friend, or Legal Representative

If you are not the resident and you require access to a resident record, the resident himself or herself or the resident's legal guardian must fill out an Authorization to Disclose Personal Health Information Form giving the Prescott and Russell Residence authorization to release the documentation to you.

Application Fee

Fees may be applicable to some requests based on reasonable cost recovery for purposes of granting access. If this is the case, you will first be provided with an estimate of the fee.

Proper consent and two pieces of valid identification, one of which with photo identification, are required prior to the release of personal health information.

If you are a Law Enforcement Agent

Law Enforcement Agents, who require access to resident records pertaining to an active investigation, please use the Request for Disclosure of Personal Information to a Law Enforcement Agency or a Hospital Representative Form.

If you are a Hospital Representative

Hospital Representatives, who require resident records, please use the Request for Disclosure of Personal Information to a Law Enforcement Agency or a Hospital Representative Form.

Make a Request

All requests for resident records must be submitted by one of the following two options:

By mail

Mélissa Cadieux, Director of Administrative Services/Clerk
United Counties of Prescott and Russell
59 Court Street, P. O. Box 304
L'Orignal (Ontario) KOB 1K0

 By email

For more information or questions

Please contact Mélissa Cadieux, Director of Administrative Services/Clerk, at 613-675-4661 or [email protected].

Time Limit to Respond to an Access Request

The Prescott and Russell Residence will respond to your request within 30 days unless an extension of time is required.


Accessible format or communication support request

If a person with a disability requires an accessible format or assistance in communicating with us under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), we must work with them to accommodate their needs at no additional cost.

Make an Access Request

Before you begin your request process

  1. If you are requesting an accessible format, you will need to know the name of the document
  2. If you are unsure what format or communication support you require, you can contact our Accessibility Advisory Committee Coordinator at [email protected] or by phone at 613-675-4661.
  3. For more information on how the Corporation manages requests, consult the procedures regarding accessible formats and communication aids.

Make a Request

In person

 This service is offered by appointment only.

 By phone

 Call 613-675-4661 or toll-free at 1-800-667-6307

 By email

Cost related to a request

If there is a cost, it will be no more than the regular cost charged to other persons. You will be notified of the regular cost.

For more information or questions

Please contact Alain Lacelle, Committee Chair, at 613-675-4661 or toll-free at 1-800-667-6307, or [email protected].

Time Limit to Respond to an Access Request

The Coordinator must respond to an access request within 30 days unless an extension is required.

If we are unable to respond to a particular request within a reasonable time, we must inform the person and work with them to determine an alternative solution, or provide a summary of the information.